The Girl Behind the Toons
My name is Erica, Born 27/08/1983 in Sundsvall/Sweden. I have always been into video games for as long as I can remember.
Erica, hopes that females just like male WoWers will have found a fellow gamer that they can be themselfs around and with out feeling like beeing bullied or pointed at. She also hopes that male WoWers will see that there are more than only 1-4 female WoWers in the game and why some girls actually play the game in secret and others dont play in secret.
Erica has been playing World of Warcraft since late December 2005. Shortly after the release of The Burning Crusade, she feelt like never coming back to real life because of her previous experiences with 1. always beeing backstabed 2. never have friends that did not want to go out late on a friday to get drunk 3. always had to be the one that was always there for her so called friends, but never get any help back from them. Because of that she joined a guild and started to play the game almost 24/7 for 3 mounth and experienced something that feelt like a BIG famely. Everyone was helping the low leveled players to level and gear up, they had a laugh together when the played and had some really good times. But as it is in some guilds, there were players that did not like one and other and so in the end most of the members disbaned the guild and havent seen the guild master online. Erica then started to play on another server with some other friends, but they were (as it seemed) only "friends" and left her yet again. She then meet some player from her home town witch she started to play with, everyone.. even Erica moved there characters from the server they were playing on because it was having trouble with delay and disconnections. Everyone started to play on the new server and had alot of happy and joyful hours together. Some of the players got hacked and some stoped playing, but Erica never stoped playing World Of Warcraft and are still on that server that she moved to with all the others. Now she is in a BIG guild with alot of helpful and nice players. She feels like she is back home again.